United Hatzalah is a 100% free emergency response service deployed throughout Israel.
United Hatzalah's volunteer paramedics respond instantly to all nearby medical emergencies, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our paramedics are on the scene within minutes of an incident, increasing the chances of survival and optimizing patient recovery.

United Hatzalah provides training, medical equipment, communication tools and operational management services to integrate the rescue teams into the national network.

Some statistics on our operations in Israel:

- 6,500 certified first responders throughout the country.
- The recruitment of 1,000 additional rescue workers will reduce our response time to 90 seconds nationwide from the current 3 minutes.
- Our teams respond to 2,000 emergencies per day
- More than 600,000 people are treated each year, with an annual budget of 34,000,000 euros!
- All our emergency interventions are 100% free of charge.

In addition to Israel, United Hatzalah is now operating in Portugal, Lithuania, Ukraine, Brazil and Panama, and continues to export its innovative first aid model to other parts of the world.

My donation

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Why donate ?

The France-Israel Foundation, recognized as being of pubic utility in France, was created in 2005 by the President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac, and Israel’s Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. The objectif of the Foundation is :

- To bring closer the civil societies in France and Israel in the fields of culture, economics, science and memory.
- To initiate actions for the general public with shared and participative projects.
- To deepen the friendship between the two peoples.

My coordinates

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Your contact details are essential in order for us to send you your tax receipt. 
While submitting this formulaire, you agree that your contact details be used by the France-Israel Foundation in order to generate your tax receipt by the Iraiser platform.

In conformity with the French law of January 6th 1978, regarding information and surveillance, you have the right to access, to modify, to rectify and to remove your details.
In order to do so, please contact:

La Fondation France-Israël
BP 200024
75 362 Paris Cedex 08
Tel: +33 (0)1 82 28 95 85
Email: info@fondationfranceisrael.org

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

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The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card

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This website is 100% secured.

All the financial informations in order to treat the donations are encrypted by the transport layer security protocol. These informations are in no case kept in our system.

Our donations service is available in order to answer your questions. Do not hesitate contacting us at: